Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Many patients suffer from crooked teeth. This condition, known medically as malocclusion, can lead to a host of other problems including more Infection, TMJ, and periodontal disease.

The best solution for malocclusion is carefully orchestrated orthodontic care. Patients are sometimes hesitant to go through with it for fear of wearing unsightly metal braces. They worry about changes to their appearance or speech pattern. Some people wearing braces will occasionally need to give up their favorite foods for a time.

Luckily, there are discreet, more convenient options in orthodontic care.

Clear Braces - There is a method that will straighten teeth discreetly and in less time than traditional metal braces. Invisalign is the clear, invisible alternative to a clunky metal mouth. This method is perfect for those with mild to moderate malocclusion. Invisalign are clear retainers that move the teeth into straight positions over time. Dentists provide these in succession, and the teeth grow straighter with each new pair.

Metal Braces - Traditional, metal-bracket braces take longer and are not discreet. However, they are stronger than retainers alone. Traditional braces can treat severe cases of malocclusion. They are also capable of moving the jaw into proper alignment. Underbites and severe overbites are not fixable through clear retainers alone.


Both methods require a mold to be made of the teeth. This involves biting into a quick-set putty material, and a dentist evaluating the shape to create the orthodontic plan. The next step is where Invisalign and metal braces differ significantly. The brackets of metal braces must be cemented to the teeth. This can leave light spots on the teeth if the original shade is not maintained through the course of the treatment.

It’s impossible to self- remove braces when they feel uncomfortable. Invisalign can be removed at the patient’s discretion. This allows them relief from normal tenderness and the ability to eat their favorite foods.

Treatment Times

Invisalign therapy takes six to eighteen months on average to complete. Braces can take anywhere from one to three years, depending on circumstances. Both methods require continued use of retainers after the primary treatment is complete. For example, once braces are removed, metal Hawley retainers must be worn 22 hours a day for a year, and then only at night indefinitely. Once an Invisalign treatment is complete, the final retainer received must be worn nightly. Either method runs the risk of letting teeth shift into slightly less straight positions if retainers are not worn regularly. 

Invisalign in Brentwood
If you have more questions about orthodontic treatment options, call the office of William D. Harrison, DDS. Our office is friendly, knowledgeable, and always accepting new patients. We look forward to hearing from you!

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