Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Five Ways to Improve Oral Hygiene

When your smile is healthy and attractive, it can provide quite the confident boost. Achieving and maintaining a healthy smile requires dedicating yourself to an effective at-home care routine. The good news for the patients who are unhappy with their appearance is that a multitude of minor improvements that can be made to their daily oral health for trans-formative results. Below are five highly effective practices to improve your daily dental care.

Consider Your Tooth Brush and How You Use It

The type of toothbrush you use can make a significant difference in effectiveness. Dentists recommend you choose a brush with soft bristles that is contoured to reach all areas of the teeth and surrounding structures. Spend a full two minutes gently brushing at a 45-degree angle to remove all traces of plaque, including along the gum-line. By practicing these methods, you prevent excessive wear on your enamel and gums.

Floss and Rinse Every Day

The health of your gums is paramount to optimal oral health. Flossing each day helps remove the plaque from beneath the gums, helping prevent bacteria from spreading and causing the development of periodontal disease. Add rinsing with an ADA approved mouthwash to your daily routine to you remove any additional bacteria from your mouth while also freshening your breath.

Incorporate Healthier Dietary and Choices

The food you eat plays an important role in the health and appearance of your teeth. Consuming an abundance of sugary and acidic foods and beverages leaves you susceptible to the onset of decay. For those who enjoy coffee, soft drinks, or red wine, the darkly pigmented beverages attach to tooth enamel, causing discoloration. Implementing healthier snacks such as raw fruits and vegetables, coupled with drinking plenty of water will improve your dental health in addition to your overall health.

Curb Your Bad Habits

The oral health dangers of tobacco use are severe. Quitting the harmful habit right away increases your chances of avoiding enamel discoloration, gum disease, and potential tooth loss. It’s also important to avoid para-functional habits. These include such tendencies as biting on pens, fingernails or other solid objects, as these habits could cause your teeth to crack and chip.

Maintain Regular Appointments with Your Dental Professional

There are a variety of ways patients can be proactive about their oral health, but the best option for achieving a healthy and beautiful smile is by maintaining regular cleanings and examinations with your dental professional. In addition to top quality care, Dr. Harrison and our team take the time to educate you on the most effective methods for taking care of your teeth and gums. Call our Brentwood practice today to schedule an appointment.

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